Hi, thanks for visiting us (or visiting again)! This page gives you some background information on us, and what we are it’s all about. I’m a motorcyclist, just like you, or maybe you just have an interest in motorcycles, like me. The difference is I write about it, unless you write about it too in which case, snap!
Growing up in the north of England, well the north of the middle, in Stoke on Trent, famed for pottery and oatcakes, but also a motorcycling mecca. A stone’s throw away from some of the best tracks in the country, and some of the best roads, with plenty of clubs, cafes and plain sound motorcyclists.
The addiction started off at an early age. Our dad used to race lightweight two-stroke machinery in the late ’70s and early ’80s. Since then we have always been around bikes, at race meets and watching racing on TV. The smell of Castrol R, and hot rubber still makes us weak at the knees, and craving more.

For us, the adventure was to start racing hovercraft. Powered by 250cc liquid-cooled two strokes, it was great full-throttle fun. Many nights were spent rebuilding engines on the workbench ready for the next weekend’s action. This gave us great mechanical insight and a lust for more speed.
Alex AKA Peaky
Hovercrafting ended when Alex was old enough to drive and his passion quickly turned to 4 wheels, with a penchant for turbocharged Japanese rear-wheel-drive cars. As the costs increased, boredom came. This was when he made the switch to two wheels and has never looked back.
Words and pictures!
Mainly riding on the roads, on whatever bike he can find or borrow, the whole writing and photography just started off as a log of trips. Taking photos at worthy destinations of the bike and or the rider. There would quite often be the random witterings of a madman making pointless comments about irrelevant subjects. Somehow it has turned into its own website, with multiple writers, across various platforms and well, take that everybody who said I couldn’t do it! I don’t quite yet know what this makes me, am I a blogger? Am I a journalist, or a professional writer? I don’t even know myself, I just like riding, writing and photographing bikes, and no matter what ‘title’ i might have, this won’t change!
Constantly striving to become a better rider, Alex has completed the IAM Roadsmart course with a F1rst, completed the Bikesafe course, and is now looking to complete either the RoSPA course or the IAM Masters syllabus.

We pride ourselves on producing quality content on the latest motorcycle news, newest bikes, latest gear while remaining honest and ad-free. We love building good working relationships with companies, brands, and people.
We can’t give enough thanks and praise to those who have worked with us already. Seeing over 150,000 weekly views were always looking for new opportunities.
Growing up, Ben was never majorly interested in motorcycles or cars. A keen sportsman playing rugby, Ju-Jitsu, Judo, and a national level powerlifter, training occupied most weeknights and all weekend. It was Alex’s passion for bikes that kickstarted Ben’s love affair too.

Between us, we have a great skill set. We both enjoy riding bikes and photography, a great combination together. Ben has an enormous creative streak, with photo and video editing, and website design. Alex has a technical mind so enjoys fixing bikes. He also enjoys creative writing and manages social media.
Now that you know all about us, why not start reading our thoughts!